31, Alexandr Griboedov Street. St.Bunny restaurant

Tbilisi Restaurant
homemade lemonades and brewed tea
gastro Rabbit menu
Georgian cuisine
The very center of Tbilisi. Quiet courtyard. Huge terrace.
Gastro selection of dishes from the Rabbit - the basis of the restaurant. The menu successfully combines Georgian cuisine with European and Ukrainian.
On the shelves of the wine shop there are Georgian wines from the best winemakers: Tchotiashvili, Tiko Estate, Barbale… Mtsvane Estate with sparkling Pét-Nat. As well as more than 30 wines from different regions of France. All wines can be bought or drunk right in the restaurant.
Calm and measured atmosphere is equally suitable for warm evenings with friends and romantic meetings.
Restaurant Tbilisi St.Bunny
Griboedov st., 31 Tbilisi
+995 55 88 0 88 44
Famous restaurant - это место, где можно поесть в Тбилиси, куда пойти в Тбилиси и где провести в Тбилиси время